The Board
Mr. CHOW Ho Ding Holden

Chairman of the Committee
Holden CHOW, Vice-Chairman of DAB, Member of Legislative Council of HKSAR. Mr. Chow has been member of Legco since 2016. Mr. Chow is the chairman of DAB Business and Professional Affairs Committee, which was founded in summer 2021. He has been championing re-industrialization for Hong Kong, his own report on HK's re-industrialization was unveiled in 2021. Mr. Chow is committed to enhancing Hong Kong's economic development, integration into national development, creating job opportunities, and supporting small and medium size enterprises
Mr. Chan Han Pan

Vice Chairman of the Committee
Ben CHAN is a member of DAB and the Legislative Council of HKSAR. Mr. Chan has been member of Legco since 2012. He has been the vice-chairman of DAB Business and Professional Affairs Committee, ever since the founding of committee in 2021. Ben Chan has been closely monitoring the development of transportation of the city, and published his own policy proposal in 2021. Mr. Chan is committed to perfecting Hong Kong's transportation development, exploring innovative technology solutions into elderlies needs and welfare. He also focuses on the integration into the National Development, creating more job opportunities and supporting small and medium size enterprises.
Mr. HUI Wah Kit Michael
榮譽勛章,太平紳士 MH, JP

許華傑先生是福登實業有限公司董事總經理、Elysian Executive Solution Ltd. 創始合夥人及Skyzer創投基金董事。
Mr. Michael Hui is the Managing Director of Freedom Industrial Corp. Ltd., the Founding Partner of Elysian Executive Solution Ltd. and a director of Skyzer VC Ltd.
He is currently a Standing Committee member of the Hong Kong Chinese Importers’ and Exporters’ Association, Chairman of the Trade and Industry Department SME Committee, Chairman of the Education Bureau Import and Export Industry Training Advisory Committee, Chairman of Hong Kong Baptist University Global and China Studies Programme Advisory Committee and a Council member of Hong Kong Lingnan University. Mr. Hui also actively participates in mainland organizations and affairs. He is a member of Shenzhen CPPCC and a member of the China Overseas Friendship Association.
Dr. LUK Tei Lewis
榮譽勛章, 太平紳士 MH, JP

香港工商品牌保護陣綫和香港專利師協會的創會會長。陸博士是香港理工大學兼任教授,並於 2012 年獲香港區政府委任為非官守太平紳士和 2021 年獲頒授榮譽勳章。
Dr. Lewis Luk is a senior associate of P C Woo & Co, Solicitors, a Panelist on Domain Names and an Arbitrator for Intellectual Property Disputes under the Hong Kong International Arbitration Centre. His practice areas are SME, Intellectual Property and Competition Law.
He is the founding president of the Professional Validation Council of Hong Kong Industries, the Hong Kong Brands Protection Alliance and the Hong Kong Institute of Patent Attorneys.
Dr. Luk is an Adjunct Professor of The Hong Kong Polytechnic University and was awarded Justice of Peace in 2012 and Medal of Honour in 2021 by the HKSAR Government.
Dr. Wong Ying Ho,Kennedy

現任公職:全國政協委員、立法會議員 (進出口界)、選舉委員會委員、香港中華出入口商會副會長等。
Kennedy Ying Ho Wong graduated from the University of Kent, England and received an Honorary Degree of Doctor of Civil Laws (DCL), he also received Doctor of Laws, honoris causa (LLD) from Hong Kong Baptist University.
In 1998, Kennedy was selected as one of the Ten Outstanding Young Persons of Hong Kong and in 2003, as one of the Ten Outstanding Young Persons of the World. In 2002, he was appointed a Justice of the Peace and in 2005,was awarded the Bronze Bauhinia Star by the Hong Kong SAR Government.
Kennedy now serves on the following public bodies:
• National Committee Member, Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference
• Member of Legislative Council of HKSAR (Import / Export Constituency)
• Member, Election Committee of the HKSAR
• Vice President of the Hong Kong Chinese Importers’ and Exporters’ Association
Mr. Yu Chung Leung

執業會計師, 香港會計師公會授權監督, 特許公認會計師公會資深會員, 華人會計師公會會員, 香港專業會計員, 註冊稅務師, 香港稅務學會會員, 國際會計學文學碩士, 會計學(榮譽)學士
CPA (Practicing), AS, FCCA, MSCA, HKAT, CTA, ATIHK, MAIA, BA (Hons) Accounting
余仲良先生在處理多類型香港公司方面擁有超過30年的經驗,從小型本地創業機構到大型國際公司、集團和製造公司,以及在香港和海外證券交易所上市的公司。 他還為企業提供從業務規劃和實施到籌集資金的支持,並協助客戶處理公司諮詢事宜,如上市公司上市,兼併和收購,盡職調查和公司重組。
Mr. Yu Chung Leung has more than 30 years of experience in dealing with a wide range of Hong Kong based companies, from small local entrepreneurial organizations to large international group and manufacturing companies, as well as companies listed on the Hong Kong and Overseas Stock Exchange. He also provides support to companies from business planning and implementation to the raising of finance, and assists clients with corporate advisory matters such as public company flotation, mergers and acquisitions, due diligence reviews and corporate restructuring.
Mr. POON King Wo Alex
潘景和現任中建國際醫療產業發展有限公司市場總監,負責粵港澳大灣區各醫療,大健康產業發展項目。在建築和屋宇設備、水管及渠務工程方面擁有超過 32年的豐富工作經驗。他在不同的工程項目中擔任關鍵職位。
潘景和曾擔任英國環境工程師協會(香港分會)副主席 及香港環境學會會長。現時擔任澳洲建造師學會委員會成員,及澳洲建造師學會中國及國際事務委員會副主席。
Mr. Alex Poon is the Marketing Director of China State Construction International Medical Industry Development Co., Ltd. He has had substantial work experience for over 32 years in building and MEP works. Currently, he is in charge of various medical development projects in Guangdong — Hong Kong — Macao Greater Bay Area. Besides, he took leading positions in different construction projects.
He was the President of the Hong Kong Institute of Environmentalists and Vice-Chairman of the UK Society of Environmental Engineer (HK Branch). He is currently the Committee Member of Australian Institute of Building (HK Chapter) and the Vice-Chairman of Australian Institute of Building (China & International Link).
He took the initiative to serve the community by participating in different roles of the government committees. He was the Co-opted Member of the Traffic, Transport and Housing Committee of Yau Tsim Mong District Council. He is currently the Vice Chairman of the Yau Tsim Mong (South) Area Committee and the Committee Member of District Fire Safety Committee (Yau Tsim Mong District).
Mr. Yuen Ching Bor Stephen

Yuen Ching Bor Stephen MH, aged 74, MSc (HKU) is an eminent fellow of RICS, Fellow member of the Chartered Institute of Housing and HK Real Estate Administrators.
Over his 50 years plus working life he was involved in land development construction, sales n leasing of properties as well as eventual property management. His first ten years of career was spent in HK Housing Authority (setting up of home ownership scheme ) and New Territories Administration. After which he joined few leading property developers such as Sun Hung Kai Properties, Lai Sun development, HK Resort, New World Development etc and finally acting as Chairman & CEO of a greater China real estate fund of a joint venture between HSBC & Nan Fung Development before his retirement in 2017.
Mr Yuen's community services includes chairing the course development of ERB, the real estate service board of VTC, formation of the Property Management Industry Training Advisory Committee and as a member of the Land & Buildings Advisory Committee. Over the years he actively helped Government in amending and improving the Building Management Ordinance. On training of young executives Mr Yuen lectured in HKU, City U, PolyU and She Yan University as a part time lecturer in courses relating to real estate.
As early as 1980 he joined the then HK Reform Club as vice chairman of the youth league in serving the community. In 1997 He was elected as a committee member in the first election of the HK Executive. Currently he is the executive committee member of DAB. Years ago he served as CPPCC member of Wuhan and Zhaoqing.
Dr. WONG Kwok Yan Christopher

Practising Solicitor, Member of Executive & Standing Committee of DAB, Doctor of Laws of Renmin University of China, China Appointed Attesting Officer, Hong Kong Civil Celebrant of Marriages, Arbitrator of Shenzhen Court of International Arbitration, Arbitrator of Guaugzhou Arbitration Commission, Member of Advisory Council on the Environment, and Chairman of Eco-responsibility Appeal Board Panel, HKSAR Government.
Mr Wong Chun Sek Edmund

Mr. Edmund Wong is currently Legislative Councillor of HKSAR, past president of The Society of Chinese Accountants and Auditors and a practising accountant in Hong Kong. He has extensive experience in financial reporting, audit and assurance, internal control, taxation, corporate and compliance as well as business advisory.